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Health & Wellness

Breath of Power: Unleashing the Warrior Within Through Ancient Breathing Techniques

We breathe how we live life. Unlock the transformative power of breathwork with our enlightening guide! Explore ancient techniques and modern insights to master your breath, reduce stress, and enhance mental resilience. Embrace your inner warrior and embark on a journey towards wellness.

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Lifestyle, Self-realization

Why chasing big goals leaves you stuck (the 10 steps that get you moving)

Feeling stuck while chasing your dreams? It’s not about massive leaps—lasting change comes from small, consistent actions. Discover 10 powerful lessons that will unlock your untapped potential and help you move forward today.

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Lifestyle, Self-realization

Think You Know Yourself? Here's Why It's Not That Simple

Are you searching for deeper meaning in your life? This issue invites you to break free from surface-level existence and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. Experience life fully, understand your true desires, and unlock the essence of who you are.

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I am Pierre-Boris, I help entrepreneurs, creators and leaders align their life and work with their purpose.

From introverted and broken to a business guide and transformation coach, I've turned my unique journey into a force for positive change. Merging new science with ancient wisdom, I help others shift from Ego to Self, transforming their lives and their impact on the world.
Pierre-Boris Kalitventzeff